

【NHF论坛172期】Dr.Leanne Mullen: Materials Today Publishing Seminar: Getting Published & Promoting Your Work

  人:Dr Leanne Mullen, Materials Today的高级编辑

报告题目:Materials Today Publishing Seminar: Getting Published & Promoting Your Work

      间:2019918日星期三 下午15:00

      点:国家纳米科学中心 南楼四层会议室

  人:何军  研究员


Speaker Bio: Leanne Mullen, PhD – Senior Publisher, Polymers. Leanne completed a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Cambridge in 2010. She has been working in publishing since 2012. During her publishing career, she has worked in various disciplines including applied mathematics, materials science, physics and engineering. Leanne is currently Publisher of Progress in Polymer Science, Materials Today Bio, Materials Today Chemistry, Polymer, European Polymer Journal, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Reactive and Functional Polymers, Progress in Organic Coatings and Polymer Testing. Leanne’s role also involves managing both the International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials and the International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science which are held every 2 years.


In this session we will discuss the publishing landscape, including the varied roles of Authors, Editors, Referees, and Publishers in connecting communities. In addition, we will share best practices and practical tips for publication in high impact journals such as Materials Today, including journal selection, article style & structure. 

I will also show some of the main global trends in Materials Science, highlighting quality indicators key metrics and tools to promote your published work and assessing future developments. Overlaying our strategy for growth to new partnerships and innovative projects, I will explain how we strive to become the natural home for all material scientists and chemists. The workshop will be presented by a Publisher from Elsevier’s Materials Today team and will conclude with a Q & A section.
