

NHF Forum 第121期学术报告会


报 告 人:Prof. Charl FJ FaulUniversity of Bristol

     目:Conjugated materials across multiple length scales: from sub-monolayers to 3D porous architectures 



邀 请 人:魏志祥 研究员  & 韩宝航研究员



Aniline-based materials have a very long history in the field of conducting organic materials. The development of new synthetic and theoretical methodologies, combined with advances in instrumentation and self-assembly approaches to materials, are now are yielding a next generation of materials for electronic and photonic applications.[1]

Starting from sub-monolayer level, we have recently[2] imaged, for the first time, the predicted conformational isomerism of various oligo(aniline)s using ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunnelling microscopy.  The observed structures were not only corroborated by TD-DFT calculations, but also provide insight into the role oxidation state plays during self-assembly.  Utilising these insights, we prepared ultra-smooth 20nm-thin films of doped oligo(aniline)s, and developed a conductive-AFM redox-writing (cAROW) technique to locally address and image changes in oxidation state (and conductivity).[3]  We combined our cAROW technique with high-speed AFM technology, and could write arbitrary shapes at high speed and with high precision.

These recent studies provide further support for our detailed investigations into the supramolecular organisation of oligo(aniline) self-assembled nanowires in aqueous media.[4] Additionally, these activities now act as a platform for our current TD-DFT studies to accurately model spin and doped states, as well as the development of porous aniline-based materials for CO2 capture and storage.[5]

With our newly gained fundamental understanding of aniline-based materials, we are now exploring new applications, including addressable photonic structures.

