报 告 人:李振,武汉大学
题 目:Aggregation-Induced Emission Materials: the Art of Conjugation and Rotation
时 间:2015年08月11日(星期二) 下午2:30
地 点:国家纳米科学中心,南楼中三层会议室
主 持 人:丁黎明 研究员
In 2001, Ben Zhong Tang group discovered an abnormal phenomenon: some fluorophores exhibit dramatically enhanced emission in the solid state, which was termed as aggregation-induced emission (AIE) or aggregation enhanced emission (AEE). This phenomenon offered a new path to the solution of the spiny problem of ACQ mentioned above. All the AIE and AEE systems pose a challenge to our current understanding, and spawn new photophysical theories and spur technological innovations. Since then, AIE materials have been found to be promising emitters for the fabrication of highly efficient electroluminescent devices and stimuli-responsive materials for use in multifunctional switches.
In this lecture, we would like to introduce our work on AIE materials, with the aim to deeply understand the conjugation effect and rotation in different AIE systems.