中国科学院纳米系统与多级次制造重点实验室第139期学术报告 报告人:Prof. Dr. Michael Mastalerz (Ruprecht-Karls-Universit?t Heidelberg)
报告题目:Porous molecules – real alternatives to MOFs, COFs and zeolites?
报 告 人:Prof. Dr. Michael Mastalerz (Ruprecht-Karls-Universit?t Heidelberg, Germany)
时 间:2017年08月28日(星期一)上午10:00
地 点:国家纳米科学中心,南楼二层会议室
邀 请 人:韩宝航 研究员
Besides zeolites, charcoals and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) purely organic porous polymers and frameworks have evolved as new types of materials. However, all these materials have in common that these are due to the three-dimensional intrinsically rigid
frameworks insoluble materials. Nearly a decade ago, the first porous materials based on defined molecules packing by weak intermolecular interactions only have been presented. [1] Meanwhile the number of examples of porous molecular materials has increased in the order of several magnitudes.[2] Most important, porous molecular materials are soluble without any disconnection of bonds, making them attractive to be processed from solution – something that is difficult to achieve with the classical three-dimensional porous networks.